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It's Her Business: Laura Westmore, Founder of Speccy Media

We had the pleasure to get to know lovely Laura and her business journey. Laura is someone who didn't let her shyness stop her from achieving success. Established in 2017 and growing ever since!

Hey Laura, thank you for taking the time to speak to us. Tell us a bit about yourself!

Hello! I’m Laura. I live in Chichester and run a small marketing and web agency with a big heart. I’m a country girl, I love my little dog Pixel, and when the world is open, travelling with my laptop and business in hand - is my passion.

Talk to us more about your baby, Speccy Media...

I founded Speccy Media in 2017, as a solopreneur offering digital marketing services to growing business in my local area. We are now a growing digital agency with a core team of 5.

Each of our team plays a role in making successes of small business by putting compassion and communication first and diving right in as if the businesses were our own.

Your journey so far has been incredible but where did the idea for your business come from?

I’m naturally an introvert, this didn’t sit well with knowing I was also very ambitious and driven. I wanted a safe space to grow, travel, be in control of my own future and be able to do the same for others. I saw how other agencies and freelancers operated and wanted to give a service with more compassion than I’d seen elsewhere.

What have been your biggest learning experiences since becoming a business owner?

Scaling your business is really hard. I held off growing our team at Speccy Media because I was scared and became overworked and overwhelmed. Sharing the workload with a team as soon as you can afford to is the best way to grow and look after yourself.

If you could give one bit of advice to someone thinking of starting their own business, what would it be?

Make sure you do your research and ensure there is a market for your product or service. Too often we see businesses fail even with the best marketing strategies because there is simply no demand.

Laura, what has been your biggest accomplishment since starting your business?

My biggest accomplishment has been taking my business abroad. I worked in Australia, New Zealand, Bali and 12 different countries across Africa in 2019 and it was an amazing experience.

Is there anyone who inspires you?

I don’t really have a business idol, I only want to be the best I can be and do it for me.

What book/article/podcast really gave you that OMG moment?

Chris Do from The Futur writes great material.

Connect with Laura:


Emma Downey | Founder, Women Who Do

Emma can be found glued to her laptop/kindle or embarking on her next favourite hobby. Avid cake-eater, Disney-superfan and passionate about female empowerment, Emma founded WWD in 2017. She's currently travelling around Europe in her converted camper van and eating far too many croissants. You can contact Emma:


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