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It's Her Business: Anna Lewoniewska | Founder of Anna Dot Marketing

Hello lovely Anna. Why don't you introduce yourself to us?

I’m Anna, a mother of one and a wife. I love baking and helping people. I also sing, mainly classical music, I looooove opera! I enjoy a challenge, if it’s too easy, I’m not interested. This is where my strengths come from, as people tend to like things easy, I untangle their minds and make it easy for them.

Sounds like everyone should have an Anna in their lives! Talk to us about your business...

I have two, one is a marketing strategy business Anna Dot Marketing, where I call myself as a Marketing Untangler. I have a holistic approach and enjoy to unravel tangled minds of business owners into something simple and easy to achieve. I have recently set up my website and promote my 7-Step Marketing Strategy Program that helps established business owners to create a plan to bulletproof for growth. It’s already a great success, as three of my clients are looking for additional workforce to keep up with the demand.

My other business is muffins, healthy muffins. Different people have different idea about what’s healthy, so I try to cater them as much as I can. To start, I don’t use any preservatives, just simple ingredients. I can make muffins to cater for low-carb/keto, low-fat, low-calories, as well as vegan and gluten-free and send them in boxes of 6 around the UK. This is my meditation business, as I absolutely love baking.

Tell us, where did the idea for your businesses come from?

I have always been in marketing, but only recently (well, the pandemic ‘helped’ me to realise I can do it on my own).

A strategic and holistic approach is rarely seen nowadays, as businesses tend to concentrate on social media and forget about the rest. So I have started and it took me a while to realise where my true passion lies and it is with strategy.

Ensuring that all efforts are done as sleek as possible, the most efficient and effective way.

What have been your biggest learning experiences since becoming a business owner? Asking for help has been a big one for me. I like to be independent, but being a business owner is a series of collaboration. In the corporate world I felt I was on a battle field, constantly fighting. Now, I have so many great and supportive people around me, it’s unbelievable. And they all cheer me and want me to succeed. I have been actively collaborating with many business owners, where our experience crosses over, and this is what I like. I learn something new every day!

If you could give one bit of advice to someone thinking of starting their own business, what would it be?

Just do it! I love this Nike’s tag line. There’s nothing like it. For me, being a business owner means freedom. It means long hours sometimes, but if I want to take time off and spend it with my family, I can do it.

What has your biggest success/accomplishment/achievement been since starting your business?

100% satisfaction from my clients after a Brand Strategy Session. Sometimes they are sceptical, sometimes they are not sure, but all of the customers who’s done it, moved to the next level in their business. They regained the focus and could look clearly at what they need to do next.

Who inspires you?

Everyone who knows more than I do in a given subject. There is no one person. I want to know more, do more, be more, so anyone who has it, is my inspiration!

What book/article/podcast really gave you that OMG moment?

‘You’re a badass’ by Jen Sincero was a big eye opener for me at the beginning of 2020. It was just the right time when I heard about how many misconceptions are in our heads and how much we stop ourselves from being who we truly are in our hearts. I have listened and moved on!

➡️ You can find Anna:


Emma Downey | Founder, Women Who Do

Emma can be found glued to her laptop/kindle or embarking on her next favourite hobby. Avid cake-eater, Disney-superfan and passionate about female empowerment, Emma founded WWD in 2017. She's currently travelling around Europe in her converted camper van and eating far too many croissants. You can contact Emma:


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