It's now 2020 - which definitely sounds like a year that robots should be taking over the world. Starting a New Year is often the kick-up-the-derrière we need to get our sh*t together. Whilst we can't look at another chocolate orange or stuffing ball again, and whilst the house is in a total disarray that resembles a small obstacle course made entirely from clothing and cast-aside-christmas-presents, now is a good time to start to make some plans for the coming year - I mean...we could at least try...
1. Embrace minimalism
OK, so I'm definitely not one to preach here, my house looks like a jumble sale 99% of the time, much to the dismay and constant frustration of my long-suffering and incredibly minimalist boyfriend BUT, for some reason, I've realised that actually those Minimalists might just be on to something. There's definitely a certain ring to not having to clean as much. This week is a great time to start giving away clothes you never wear (I know it hurts, but you'll soon forget you even had them sat at the back of your wardrobe), the things you never used and the endless crafting tools and paperwork. This is a great checklist of 101 things you can declutter in your home. If it's clothes you've been hoarding, why not donate to your local women's shelter or organise a clothes swap with your buddies?
2. Get up earlier
Another one I'm not really great at BUT it's a fact that the earlier you rise the more you get done (that's not a real fact, it's just a, y'know, hypothesis), simply because you have more time in your day (in theory). You don't have to fill this time with boring stuff, like housework. If you've promised yourself more "me time" then rising an hour earlier to make yourself a breakfast and read your book before you start your day could be just the answer for this.
3. Get to grips with your finances
If you're constantly struggling with your finances, whether that's business or personal, now is a great time to get a handle on them. Set yourself up with saving accounts and a saving plan and start to implement it. Maybe brainstorm areas that you are over-spending - using banking apps that show you analytics of your spending habits will really help you understand where you could streamline. In your business, now is the time to make sure you're reaching your full profit potential and where you could make additional income. We recommend The Penny Pal for top-notch financial advice and tips.
4. Form those healthy habits now
Whether it's embracing exercise, eating healthier or drinking more water, getting a head start on healthy habits for the year is a great way to not let it fall by the wayside. I often find that if I don't overthink it and just make it a thing that now happens it's SO much easier than building it up into a big challenge. This is one of my favourite videos for inspiration:
5. Organise in the chaos
To be fair, I often feel like most areas of my life are total chaos! But last year I really concentrated on how I could be less of a sh*t show. I listed out areas of my life that tended to cause me the most frustration that organisation could improve. I realised a few things: 1. I was almost always late/rushing for something; 2. I was constantly losing things; 3. I never felt "put together". Once I knew where I was feeling most frustrated I was able to problem solve those areas: 1. I scheduled each and every day allowing 30 minutes either side of important appointments; 2. I made a system for remembering where I'd left keys/phones/chargers/books by making sure every day I put them back into my backpack (rather than flinging them on whichever surface I was standing closest to when I got home); 3. I bought this from Ikea and each pocket became a day of the week. On Sunday I set out all my clothes for the week PLUS anything I'd need for activities, so my sketchbook went into Wednesday which is when I have art class.
6. Be kinder to yourself
Here's the thing fellow human folk, we're not that nice to ourselves. I'm not nice to myself at all. In fact, 99% of all negative comments about myself...come from me. Why am I not my biggest supporter? My biggest cheerleader? Why don't I think my body rocks and I'm a badass boss bitch? Who knows! But this year I'm determined to be kinder to myself. I've decided to step away from people who don't fill me with all those lovely bubbles of happiness to start off with. I've also realised I don't do nearly enough FUN stuff that I love, so that's back on the agenda for this year too. I have also promised to dance naked, in front of a mirror, to Lizzo at least 3 times a week.
7. Schedule in that CEO day
Every business owner should schedule a "CEO day" once a month. A day to come up with new ideas, to check you're on top of your goals, to sign up to online learning and plan out your next few months of actions. Grab your dairy and set them in stone for the rest of the year. If you work from home, take yourself down to the library or local coffee shop to avoid being distracted. Make sure you put your out-of-office ON and whack that phone into DND mode. This isn't a work day, it's a plan day. If you're a WWDBold member, we organise monthly goal setting sessions and this is a great day to coincide with your CEO day!
2020 is just another year, but it would be great if it was a year that was a little less stressful and a little more wonderful!
Emma Downey, Founder & Editor
Emma can be found glued to her laptop/kindle or embarking on her next favourite hobby. Avid cake-eater, Disney superfan and passionate about female empowerment, Emma founded WWD in 2017. She's also a marketing consultant, Girlguide Leader and converting a Sprinter van (@Minnie_the_van on Instagram) into her office/home to take around Europe in 2020 with her partner, Rupert (who features heavily in most of her anecdotes).
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