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How A Cuppa Can Help Your Career

Aaaaaah the good old British tradition of tea drinking.

Aside from the heated debates over sugar/no sugar, milk in first or last, tea drinking is a glorious, quintessential British joy and it can help you in your career too, not just because of the caffeine content!

1. Ease back pain and eye strain. It is widely known that sitting hunched at your desk plays havoc with your posture and long bouts of screen time results in headaches and dizzy eyes. Taking a trip to the kettle can stretch out your achy muscles and spine and gives your eyeballs that much needed break from the white glare.

2. It can help build bridges. If things got a little heated in a meeting, or you've been a bit snowed-under-snappy with a colleague, the olive branch of olive branches is just one tea bag away.

3. Butter up the favour. We've all been there, we need to pull in a favour, we've got a deadline and desperately need the income spreadsheets updated in the next hour, or you have to stuff 1,000 delegate packs last minute, the tempting call of a cuppa in return for someone's time can actually work wonders.

4. De-stress. Argh, your phone has rung non-stop, you can't find the accounting folder, your internet has gone...take five. Taking a couple of minutes to get yourself out of the downward spiral where you feel it difficult to get back on track can really help. Try making a mindful cup of tea, take a few long, deep breaths, straighten up your clothes, give your head a little wobble and get back out there, you bloody hero.


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